Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Word from Amy

Amy just called from hospital.  The nurses had Mom sitting in a chair for 3 hours before Amy and Dad got there.  Holy Smokes!!  I imagine that felt wonderful after laying on her back for 5 days.  She failed her parameters again, but still improving.  Main problem is her breathing rate goes up too fast when they take the sedation down.  

Results from EEG are in.  Showed a general slowing of the brain (um, thanks).  There are several signs that point towards, if she had a stroke, it was a small deep one.  No motor areas were affected, there is no droop in her face.  She can really move her arms and legs--even the broken ones.  It is a struggle for the nurses to keep the sedation as low as possible for better consciousness but high enough that she doesn't bang her arm on the side rail of her bed.  She likes to get her good leg and kick all the pillows off the bottom of her bed and then hang her foot over the side.  Also there is no seizure activity.  A stroke would certainly explain why one morning she was following commands and then has been unresponsive ever since.


marge watson said...

Nice to hear how grand life is when you are young, eating in bed, watching TV, swimming etc. Their innocence must help - especially their hugs.

Amy and Jill you will forever be my hero's for how you tackle each and everyday.

Brian lots of Aggie love to you and Janet.


PS: I think eating mint chip ice cream is a great way to support the cause. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello all!

I just heard about the accident last night from Ingrid. I am so sorry that you are going through this. You are an amazing family and Matt and I are so blessed to have Brian and Janet in our lives...more than they will ever know! Riley and Megan ask every day when Brian and Janet are coming back. We have to make our daily pilgrimage to the front door, just to make sure they aren't back yet. The blog is amazing and it is wonderful to be updated. All of our prayers are headed your way. Also, my aunt and uncle live in Idaho Falls and my aunt Sue (my moms sister) will be visiting soon on behalf of our family. I will make sure that is ok before the visit. She has been reading the blog as well. She said the hospital you guys are in is wonderful! Lastly, I know Brian and Janet would laugh when they heard Riley's reaction to the accident. She must have overheard Ingrid tell me the car rolled over. At dinner, Riley proceeded to tell us that Brian and Janet were singing the song "there were 10 in the bed and the little one said roll over, roll over...". Don't know if you know that song, but Janet sings that to Riley when they read their books together. Anyway, Riley said that they rolled over because they liked the song so much.
We love you guys so much and pray for a speedy recovery, strength, comfort and continued love! We will write soon!