Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sad Day

Unfortunately, Jill, Dad, and the kids did not find Rita today in Challis, despite making every effort possible.  They sat and had lunch at the campground (where there had been reports of a cat, but the description didn't exactly match Rita), walked up and down the side of the highway with Pounce and a bell, and my dad hiked through the brush near the crash site calling for her.  Although they didn't find Rita, they didn't find a body, either.  I remain cautiously hopeful that she will show up at somebody's house, but as you can imagine, my mother is pretty devastated with that on top of everything else.

On the good side, she got into the wheelchair for each meal today, and was also moved into a private room.  NEW PHONE NUMBER: 208-529-7624.  The call schedule worked great--thanks everyone.  Now I think people can call whenever they want to.

Bob and Vickie arrive tonight, which is going to be a great help.  Thanks for all the calls, boxes, cards, flowers, balloon, treats, and general support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you guys can't find Rita, and I agree that the local media might be a good way to get the word out. Give them a picture of her for the evening news. Fox Local News does lots of stories like that here in the LA area. Losing a pet is no fun, and I'm sure you could stir up public support to help find her. If you didn't find a body, I think she probably survived the crash with at least 8 of her 9 lives intact.

I'm so glad that Janet is able to sit in a wheelchair to eat and finally had a good night's sleep. I hope the psych eval goes well today. I used to translate for a Chnese torture victim with PTSD, and the therapist told me that most of her other clients were car crash victims. There really are some amazing resources out there. My translation client had been almost beaten to death several times, and they were able to get him stabilized and functioning in about 10 months. I was really surprised. I'm sure Janet will fully recover much more quickly than that.

I'm so glad Brian, Jill, and Amy are getting a relief crew and will be able to get much needed rest.

We are having a heat wave in southern California, too. Phoebe lost her fattest guinea pig to the heat Saturday. (Sniff, sniff.) The kids finish finals this week and are also finishing up financial aid applications and registration and housing arrangments for the fall. They promise me they will make time to clean later this week. I hope so. We haven't seen the floor in the loft or in their bedroom since before spring break. Last week there was a really strange odor up there, and we finally found a dead banana in a back pack that Phoebe had taken camping on spring break and never gotten around to unpacking. Some days I can't wait for them to move out, and others I wish they didn't have to go.

Here's to a happy, healthy day with improvement on all fronts and a restful night of deep sleep for everyone.
Love, Teresa Liu