Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The D-man's cool green glasses


Anonymous said...

Great photos, Jill! Both kids look so happy and well-loved. I talked to your mom yesterday and suggested that if her insurance people can't find a psychologist or counselore to help with her anxiety, I'd be willing to see if the people I know could rustle someone up. The trick is always to find someone really good who will work for a lesser fee or who is on insurance lists -- and a lot of the best people don't do insurance work. So let me know if I can help; I told Janet that too.
Love, Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Anna looks so much like Amy and Derek is a male version of you, Jill. He really does look great in those glasses, quite handsome and intellligent. I will call your Mom and am sorry I haven't done it before now. I have all these mean roaming around my house, half naked and carrying really noisy stuff like saws and hammers and electric screw drivers. However, when they are standing outside in the sun, all tanned and muscular, the view ain't half bad.

I will call this weekend. I promise.

Anonymous said...

... that would be "men roaming around my house." I are an editor.

Jill said...

Eileen, forget the phone call. Order my mom up some of those half naked men...
